题目:“Meritocracy or Patronage? Internal Conflicts and the Political Control Over Bureaucracy in the Imperial China 1644-1911”(《任人唯贤还是任人唯亲:清朝官僚系统的内部冲突和控制》)
摘要:The quality of state bureaucrats is often key for maintaining social stability. This paper analyzes the political mechanism of control over governors in the Qing dynasty. The ethnicity-based patronage favored Manchus within the central government, yet the majority Han officials were instrumental for maintaining social stability. We find that sanctions and promotions for governors were responsive to internal conflicts within their jurisdictions. Moreover, new appointments tended to be drawn from the majority group when there were more internal conflicts nationwide. This pattern of control over bureaucracy suggests a competence-versus-loyalty trade-off, which is echoed by the history of contemporary China.