(June 20-21, 2015)
Organized by the School of Economics, Henan University, Kaifeng, China
We are pleased to announce that the 2nd Henan Symposium on Development and Institutional Economics will be held on June 20-21, 2015, in Kaifeng, Henan Province, China, followed by a one-day excursion. The School of Economics of Henan University will host the symposium. The organizers of the symposium welcome your submission in the areas of long run economic development broadly defined to include economic history, international trade and finance, and institutional economics etc. The first symposium was successfully held in Kaifeng in 2014, whose program can be found at http://econ.henu.edu.cn/Content/317.shtml
Pacific Economic Review (PER) has agreed to publish a special section of the selected papers, particularly those on or closely related to economic history, from this symposium. Authors who are interested for this publication opportunity should indicate their intention when submitting to the Symposium. Papers to be considered for the publication on PER will go through the usual anonymous refereeing process although effort will be made to expedite the review.
The Symposium will gather a group of scholars who are very active in their research frontiers, such as Kenneth Chan, Biung-Ghi Ju, Kwan Choi, Daniel Berkowitz, Wesley Wilson, Peter Egger, Chi Chur Chao, Hong Hwang, Wuyang Hu, Guenter Heiduk, and Lex Zhao.
Submission Deadline Extension:
1. Since the call for papers was not widely disseminated, the committee decided to extend the submissions deadline to April 7, 2015. All submissions must be in English and shall be sent to henan.symposium@gmail.com.
2. Although full-length paper submissions are preferred, submissions of extended abstracts are also considered. In the case of coauthored papers, please specify the presenter.
3. Https://inomics.com/2015-henan-symposium-development-and-institutional-economics-kaifeng
Co-Chairs of Organizing Committee:
Prof. Baomin Dong, Henan University Prof. Eden Yu, Chu Hai College, Hong Kong
Local Committee Members:
Kaixiang Peng, Pengfei, Sheng, Makram El-Shagi, Frank Shao, Ted Chiang, Qianqian Wang, Kuk Mo Jung, Lunan Jiang, Lin Zhang, Bingtao Song, Baozhong Gao, and Jack Hou.